Twisted Elder Tree Spirit (TS096)

£180.00 GBP Sold Out

This Tree Spirit figure has been created from a piece of naturally twisted elder wood from the ancient and beautiful Savernake Forest in southern Britain. You can see the twist more clearly in the second-to-last photo, taken before the cloak was added.

The free-standing figure is incredibly tactile, so feels good to gently hold during meditation or for ritual use. It feels full of positive energies.

The figure is adorned with a simple deer bone bead, a piece of quartz, and a small bog oak bead. A red ochred animal bone has been added. The red ochre is from a traditional source, the Luberon mountains in France.

A special addition is a hare's ear (seen in the third photo). Like many of the animal and bird parts that we use, the hare's ear was respectfully gathered during our countless woodland ambles. Covering many miles of countryside, and over many years, we sometimes discover the natural death within the life of land. It feels fitting to occasionally respectfully gather them, and to then celebrate the life of the animals and birds by using them to adorn these figures.

A woven cloak, raven feathers, and a medicine bag complete the figure. The bag contains dried rowan berries, traditionally associated with protection, and our protective herb blend, created from herbs which are traditionally considered to aid protection and bring energies of peace.

The figure itself is filled with more of our protective herb blend which includes herbs respectfully gathered from the land surrounding the sacred site of Stonehenge.

The herbs are sealed inside with a plug of Summer solstice-gathered holloway blackthorn.

The base of the figure has a bindrune for protection added and this can be seen in the last photo.

Crafted with real Celtic soul.

Size: Just over 6.5 inches/17 cm long (approx.)

Item no: TS096

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Within the UK - £5
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