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The Druid's herb blend

The Druid’s herb blend combines a wide range of leaves, bark and roots, all respectfully gathered from some of the most sacred sites and spaces in southern Britain. The plant types have been used for millennia in herbal medicine, folklore, and have long been held sacred for their energies and magickal qualities.

Lavender is a powerful herb which brings peace, harmony and encourages positive thought and restful sleep. It is included in the herb blend, along with knapweed, horehound, scarlet pimpernel, and heather flowers. Juniper has strong associations with healing, combining well with pretty self-heal, nettle, mallow, and marjoram which is soothing, uplifting, and strongly connected with love.

Deep purple elderberries, and delicate elderflowers bring their healing qualities. Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris), grasses, and white clover bring the energies of the meadow, and bluebell has a strong connection to the realms of the Fae.

The berries of the rowan tree, with its long associations with protection, add to the protective nature of this wonderful blend. St. John's wort is traditionally used to repel negative energies, and vervain is a sacred cleansing and purification herb. Soothing betony is also traditionally associated with protection, both of the area surrounding it, and of the person carrying or wearing it. If placed beneath the pillow, betony is considered to protect the sleeper against nightmares.

Solomon’s seal has many magickal associations, and the dried root is included in the mix. Yarrow brings its strong associations with clairvoyance and powers to promote divination. Enchanter's nightshade has long associations with witchcraft and sorcery. It's considered to aid inner conflict and has been traditionally used to find balance by bringing opposites together. Binding, hexing and enchantment are all associated with this beautiful herb. Mugwort has been used for millennia to aid clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection. Our ancestors drank tea made from the leaves and it has also been used in incenses or smoked to induce visions.

Ancient yew root is a wonderful addition, bringing its sense of immense age and knowledge. Mistletoe has long been regarded as a sacred plant by the Druids, and this, coupled with the bark of ancient oak completes this sacred blend. Brought together, this creates a very potent, protective mix.  

The mugwort and betony blend

Together, mugwort and betony create a soothing blend which is considered in folklore to aid protection and dispel negativity. 

Mugwort has been used for millennia to to aid clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and astral projection. Our ancestors drank tea made from the leaves and it has also been used in incenses or smoked to induce visions. In times past it was considered to act as a protective charm, warding off evil. 

Betony is traditionally associated with protection, both of the area surrounding it, and of the person carrying or wearing it. If placed beneath the pillow, it's considered to protect the sleeper against nightmares. It's also associated with dispelling negativity and soothing tensions.